My name is Lydia Darais and I’m going to be talking about keeping the commandments of God. In Second Nephi chapter 26 verse 24, it says, “God doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world.” This means that anything God does is for our good.
In verses 30-32, we learn of some of God’s commandments. I believe that God’s commandments can really help us if we follow them. Here are some of the commandments we are taught about in those verses.
We should have charity
We shouldn’t:
Take the name of God in vain
Have malice
Contend one with another
Commit whoredoms
One commandment that is very important to me is to not lie. I don’t know why this commandment is so important to me, but as long as I can remember, I have always cared about being honest. I have only lied one time that I can remember.
When I was about 4, and we had a big tree in our back yard that I was looking at because we thought there were fairies in it. I needed to use the restroom and I was in such a hurry to get back to the tree, that I did not wash my hands. My mom asked me if I did wash my hands, and I said, “yes” which was not true. Then she checked my hands, and I said “no” I did not wash my hands. I’m glad I have not lied since then, because right now everyone in my family trusts me. When I tell them something, they believe me, because they know I’m honest.
Sometimes in our lives, we might make mistakes and lie like I did, but I know that the more we tell the truth the more people will believe us and the better disciples of Jesus Christ we will be.
I say this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen