Today was a good day, although my sinus infection came back in full force. I had a bunch of meeting until about 4:00 and then told myself I’d just rest on the bed for a bit and then woke up 45 minutes later. Still, I think my body needed the rest. At that point, I decided not to re-engage in work (I paid for it by working 2 hours tonight after the kids went down), but it was fun to be with the family earlier in the day than normal.
First I helped to a assemble a new Paw Patrol ridable car for Clarissa and Ammon. Then I played a little bit in the sandbox with Ammon and Clarissa and did a Facetime with my dad and Suzanne. While on the phone with them, it was decided that they will join us for the Olympics that Lydia is hosting. Lydia has been using a lot of her earned money to order things for the Olympics she is organizing. Straps for three-legged races. Burlap sacks for sack races. Medals for the winners. Little hurdles for hurdle races etc. Lydia has been so excited about these family Olympics and she flipped out with joy at the idea of my dad and Suzanne joining the fun. We will need to make that happen! It was so fun to talk to them!
After the call, we gathered the family and Lily gave an anatomy lesson using the books and anatomy figures she acquired for our family. We learned about such cool things! Like the surface area of the small intestines is as big as a tennis court, and the liver helps regulate body temperature, and blood contents, and that the stomach has a strong acid that could remove paint, and that it takes 32 hours for food to come out the other end. I was enthralled. Ammon and Clarissa were mostly distracted (see video), but everyone else really got something out of it. It was a major highlight today.

During the lesson, Clarissa got a nose bleed. She is so cute even when she is having a nose bleed!

Also during the lesson, I caught Clarissa balancing on the sink ledge with nothing but her stomach muscles so that she could play with the water and fill up a cup. My first instinct was to grab her and get her off so she didn’t fall. My second instinct was less responsible, but it was also the reason why we now have this video 🙂. I was amazed that she could do that and even gracefully lower herself down at the end.
Also after the lesson, Ammon gave us a puppet show, and then Clarissa gave her own super short puppet show.

After the lesson, we all walked as a family around the block. I started with Ammon and Mary. Later, Lily started with Clarissa and Lydia and walked the separate direction around the block that we did so that we could meet up. When Clarissa saw me, she ran to me and gave me a big hug. I could watch this video all day and just bask in the warm happy feelings it gives me.
After the walk, the babies went to bed and I did Mary’s eye exercises while Lily went on a walk with Lydia. I took two weeks off or so of Mary’s eye exercises and I recently noticed her left eye not aligning well and that scared me back into strict consistency again. I really want that girl’s vision to be as good as possible.
Then I had dinner, caught up at work and blogged.
I loved this day :).