Today was Georgia’s 75th Birthday! Most of the festivities were in the evening, so more on that later in the blog!
The day started with a trip to North Beach, the most famous beach of Bear Lake because of its abundant pleasant sand, I am sure.

We had a lot of fun building sandspas footbaths. Mine had a throne on it.

Then we had a lot of fun burying Ammon!

We also buried Clarissa who was slightly less cooperative, so she only got buried half way.

The inflatable stars we bought at a nearby shop were a hit! Almost everyone spent a lot of time floating with a companion on a star. Poor Lydia got a burn on her upper legs near her butt. We must have missed that spot with sunscreen. This lake was so fun because it is only 1.5 feet deep out for 100 feet or so from the shore. It was like a giant wading pool and we all had so much fun!

Lydia, Soren, and Ammon were making a rock collection when it was time to go. Lydia insisted I get a picture.

After the beach, I went on a run from our house into town and back. It was crazy intense because of the two-mile uphill on the way back! After the two mile push, I walked the last 3/4 mile to try to cool down.
After my run, we all took family photos, which is what Georgia always loves on her birthday. We finally got everyone looking on the last one!
Then we had a spaghetti and leftover dinner that was delicious!
After dinner, we started the Christopher Robin movie and then we had a delicious assorted cake that had four sections, German chocolate, red velvet, carrot and chocolate. Here is a video of the cake blow.

Then Georgia got some beautiful water bottles from me and Lily (which Lily picked out) and a card from Mary.

After that, the adults and older kids finished watching Christopher Robin while the babies were in bed. Christopher Robin is a new animated/live action Winnie the Pooh movie about Christopher Robin growing up and losing his inner child, but finding it again through the help of Winnie the Pooh and his other friends from hundred acre wood. The scenery was mind-blowing. Also, I was so touched and entertained by the movie, and I loved the message of making time for fun with the people we love most…having time for nothing which leads to the best something. I also loved the mindfulness message at the end when Pooh says, “Today is the best day. Yesterday, when today was tomorrow, that was too much day for me to handle.” It was a lot like Mary Poppins in terms of its message and plot. I absolutely loved the movie.
I also absolutely love Georgia. She is going through very intense things with her health right now and it is amazing to watch her courageously try to walk the line of knowing when to fight and when to surrender. She is caring, loving, courageous, kind, and I have never met someone who so willingly serves all those around her. It was so fun to chat and watch a movie with her today and celebrate this incredible milestone with her. Happy 75th Georgia!!!