This morning Lydia came to our bedroom and recited two poems for us from the Shel Silverstein book, Where the Sidewalk Ends.
Today was a fairly normal Sunday (for Covid). We had home church and had a fairly quiet day.
Lydia was sweet and used her grab-bag money to order a dress for Clarissa. Lydia and Mary are often using the money they earn to buy things for others which is so sweet. Today, Lydia (and I assume Mary helped) put Clarissa in the dress. Clarissa was so adorable!!!

Lydia and Mary also put on princess dresses and Ammon dressed up by putting a hood on and taping a feather to it (a rooster?) and everyone started dancing. It was so cute! Here are two videos and some pictures.

Dinner was unbelievable. Lily asked what I wanted to eat for the week and I mentioned artichokes. I felt so grateful that she delivered on that request, and not only that, but she made an incredible assortment to go with the artichokes. I love her!!

After dinner, Lily and I found this cute note Mary wrote.