It’s almost two weeks after this post, so I don’t remember what happened on this day, but here is a picture and a video of Mary reading Dr. Seuss.

I will also mention that about this time Lily went on a routine walk and Lily told me about all the reading she had done about if it is OK to read Dr. Suess as some of his illustration portrayals have been deemed racist. It was a very interesting conversation, and we both felt that it is difficult to move through education without any hint of racism (even in Shakespear), but that Dr. Seuss is worth reading for his explosive creativity and good messages, but should spark proactive anti-racist discussion with our kids for any content that could instill incorrect attitudes. All the study Lily did on the topic also helped give her a bridge to understanding a little better how I can want to still share the Book of Mormon with the children even though it too has racism issues. It was a very thought provoking and engaging discussion. I love our chats!