During the kids’ tennis lesson, Ammon and Clarissa played again on the playground.
Ammon was so determined to learn the monkey bars! I was very impressed. He kept trying and falling over and over and over again. The most he ever got was two in a row, which was probably my personal record as a kid too. I never got the hang of monkey bars, but I also never good at trying again after hard falls. So I was just so impressed with Ammon.On the way to the car Clarissa spied a deep, big puddle. She asked so plaintively if she could splash that I, after initially saying no, changed my mind and circled back. She and Ammon jumped to their hearts content. And then we stripped them down so they wouldn’t be sopping wet while waiting in the car while Abe and I played tennis together.
After we did our thing where we parked the car right in front of the court and played tennis together until way past the kids’ bedtimes. Lydia spent most of that time under a bright light by the court reading, and the rest of the kids sat quietly in the car watching. It was unbelievable how good they were. I am so grateful for them for giving Abe and me the chance to have such fun. They are such good kids.