This morning I got approval from my company to work in our office because our internet went completely out. We scheduled a technician for tomorrow. It was very interesting to be in a building built for over 1,000 employees and to have only 8 employees in it.
During the day, Mary, Lydia and Ammon all had their dance lessons. There was a technical difficulty with recording Ammon’s dancing, but below is the girls’ dancing.
They are so cute!!
I will also say that Ammon loves to dance. I’m writing this a day later (Tuesday) and today (Tuesday), Lily told me Ammon danced in Trader Joe’s and it was beautiful. I also saw him today (Tuesday) dancing on the soccer field, when I wanted him to focus on playing soccer. But part of me was glad to see him dancing. I’ve just felt for a while now that he would be a good dancer. He loves to move his body and he loves to perform and get attention, and he really seems athletic and even graceful. Who knows, maybe we are on to something with him!
After work we all visited Georgia. She had a wonderful day today and is making friends at the care center. We love her so much!
After visiting South Fork, I took the family on a drive up South Fork Canyon. I biked up it last Friday with Daniel Olsen and was blown away by the colors and I suggested the family go up today. We were in awe of the colors.

We had the windows down and breathed fresh mountain air. We got soups and grilled cheese at Kneaders afterwords and all just had such a wonderful time. Everyone was so happy and in such a wonderful mood. I swung by target on the way home (after Lily took me back to my car in the Qualtrics parking lot), and when I stepped through the door, everyone was merrily singing rounds of Frerer Jacques. It was one of those truly happy familial bliss evenings.
Here is a cute video of Lily reading to Ammon before bed time.

I felt particularly tired and went to bed early. It is end of quarter so work is a little more intense in some ways for me now as well.