When we realized the Harbucks would be in town, we put two and two together and realized it was the perfect opportunity for Ammon to have a safe birthday party during Covid! The girls wrapped his presents the night before so Ammon woke up to a surprise birthday. The following video is of him waking up to his presents.

Then Paula, our wonderful neighbor, gave all of the kids a dance class and taught them the Moana dance. They were so good that she couldn’t believe it–she was prepared for having to reign kids in or do some type of disciplining because there were a fair number of kids, but instead all of the kids were perfectly behaved and followed all of her instructions. Ammon was especially excited to help teach the Moana dance to everyone.
Then we had two separate fondue tables for lunch.

Then we had two cakes!

After lunch we chatted with the Harbucks. I was so thrilled to have time with Preethi, whose blog I read all the time. Her blogs about diverse home libraries and her global children’s book club over the summer influenced me so much and I just was so thrilled to have time to talk with her in person!!
The time flew and before we knew it it was time to go to the pumpkin patch.

At the pumpkin patch I spent a long time staring at the beautiful corn kernels on the ground. Their color is so spectacular, and they could actually flood the peripheral vision so all I could see was pure corn. I made Abe try out staring at the kernels, and during that moment we lost Ammon. Unbeknownst to us he ran into the corn maze. Thankfully a good family ran after him and retrieved him, and after about ten or fifteen minutes of frantic searching, a woman with a bullhorn in one hand and Ammon in the other found us.

After we’d lost and found Ammon, done the corn maze, and let the kids do the slides a million times, we disinfected everyone, picked up dinner and headed home for bed.
That evening we stayed up late talking with Dan and Preethi. They are so fun to talk to and were so nice to stay up so late with us. We just loved our time with them so much and hope they come back soon!!