On the way home from Sedona we stopped at Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, which has its visitor center at Navajo Bridge National Monument. Navajo Bridge was amazing! The water below the bridge was stunningly clear and the most incredible color I had ever seen. And the bridge was covered with California condors!! They are impressive birds. They would occasionally take off in pairs and fly over the river, which was beautiful to see especially considering they almost went extinct. It was heartening to know that they were recovering from the brink and thriving in this magical spot.
After we passed Kanab Lydia saw a sign for Lydia’s Canyon Road! Of course we did a U-turn and checked it out. We spent the next thirty minutes driving up and down this canyon and daydreaming about buying a home in Lydia’s Canyon. We even stopped a family who was out walking and asked them about their experience living in the canyon. I guess it gets a lot of snow in the winter, which would kind of defeat the purpose of a vacation home…but it was fun to daydream!