I had a really heavy week this week. Aside from catching up from being out of town, I implemented a lot of changes on the team, and I also had 3 people want me to be on their promotion committee and I also helped Paul with his RFP a little. I was getting progressively sicker throughout the week, so I was thrilled at the prospect of being done for the week while I wrapped up my pile this afternoon. As I was working on my pile of work, Mary came into my room wearing Lily’s jeans which was really cute.

On the topic of Mary, she lost a tooth tonight while we were watching Despicable me 2. At night as she was tucked in her covers, she told me that Lydia told her there was a secret about the tooth fairy, but that Lydia wouldn’t tell her yet. Mary begged me to tell her what the secret was. I thought it might be time to tell her, now that she is 8, but I was feeling tired, and I didn’t have the energy to make it feel fun or special. So I called on Lily to come in, and Lily was perfect. She lovingly explained the truth about the Tooth Fairy to Mary. Mary, at one point said, “but fairies are still real.” Lily said that Mary could believe fairies were still real. Mary is so sweet, and it was a sweet and tender moment to break this truth to her. I think it might have been a bit of a disappointing night for Mary if Lily had not made it such a sweet and tender exchange. Mary is so sweet!