I’ve been looking forward to today. We had an amazing trip to Arizona and got in Sunday night and we were flung straight into the daily grind. That meant we never fully unpacked, never fully recovered from the travels, had a big backlog of blogging, and we also both got a bit sick. The week was very busy and there was some work to do on the house and yard as well.
So, I’ve been excited to have this catch-up day. Lily and I slept in. We worked on the house, and now we are blogging. Lily also planned all of the upcoming parties she is envisioning for the family (Halloween, Harry Potter Feast, Election Night etc). She is so fun! Recently Lydia spontaneously said that one of her favorite things about our family is that we celebrate everything. All of that credit goes to Lily.
The kids played cutely together for much for much of the day. Lydia pushed Clarissa around in a bin, and here is Ammon posing with Clarissa, who looks like a baby doll.

**Insert from Lily.** This is Lily now. I didn’t want to let this blog pass without recording my session with my psychic from Sedona. I wanted the full Sedona experience but this particular psychic was booked out the week we were there so I just scheduled a Zoom call for the week after. I was really looking forward to it and brought zero expectations to the call. As in, I did not expect her to be a real psychic but I was open-minded to the concept that she might tap into some real energy, and if she did I’d be happy to hear whatever she had to say.
Well, I liked the psychic a lot and I learned that, in my opinion at least, it’s all a sham. I’ve always felt curiosity whenever I’ve passed any psychic sign, and now I’m pretty sure that curiosity is happily at rest. My psychic told me, in no particular order:
- My grandma wishes I would brush my hair and cut it an old fashioned way. (My hair was unbrushed on Zoom with the psychic so I thought this was hilarious.)
- My great Aunt Pat wants me to know I look good in Turquoise. Also her teeth hurt her while she was alive.
- Someone in my family has a dog with long hair, a white throat, and floppy ears that are flopping. (No one has a dog.)
- I should wear supportive sneakers. This will help the arthritis that will occur in my big toe in a couple years.
- I am going to get more formal education and I won’t stay in my current house very long.
- I have a relative in Texas somewhere.
- One of my guardian spirits is named Patrick. He plays Spanish songs on the electric guitar and has the number 5, so whenever I see 5 or hear Spanish electric guitar, think of him.
- My ancestors also gave me a physical therapy exercise to do to release tension in my lower jaw. Thanks, fam!
So it was highly entertaining and I really did like the psychic. I think she really thinks she’s tuning into the dead, and maybe for other people she is but for me I’m happy to know if anyone’s going to be communicating with the dead, it’ll have to be me directly from here on out. At least that’s cheaper, anyway.