Today was the most wonderful day. The Bishop asked to talk with me this morning, and when I called him, I learned I was being invited to be a Second Counselor in the Sunday School Presidency. I let him know I would probably be declining since I plan to move fully into the Community of Christ, but I let him know how much I love the ward, and how grateful I was to be considered for the calling. We have a follow-up next week. Over the past week, I’ve been letting friends and family know of my intentions to move to the Community of Christ church. I haven’t really been announcing anything, just kindof mentioning it as it comes up. So far, everyone in my circles has been so so supportive and loving, even if I sense that my decisions might be hurtful or confusing. I’ve felt so loved, and have been so in awe at the support from the people around me in affirming the path I feel I want to walk right now with my family. My dad and Suzanne especially were loving and affirming and that meant the world to me.
Then we went to the Community of Christ online children’s session, then I chatted with my AXB friends (who also generously affirmed my decisions around faith right now), and I stayed on longer to chat more with Anthony (we talked about parent stress) which was really nice. Then we did the adult session with the Community of Christ, which Lily joined me for. It is so fun to participate in the Community of Christ church with Lily. We both really love the messages, and we both felt spiritually uplifted.
After that, I fed the kids lunch and did some cleaning, and then we all went on a walk to give out Christmas neighbor gifts. After that, we dropped off some chocolate chip cookies Lily made for Georgia. While I took the kids to Georgia’s, Lily finished up dinner preparations and set the table. It was so wonderful to come home to such a comforting and heart-warming meal and table setting. Lily made meatloaf, corn soup, Brussels sprouts, squash, and wassail. It was all so delicious!
After dinner, I played Uno with the older girls and worked on a giant puzzle my dad and Suzanne gave to us. It was such a nice day!