Today we decided to go ice fishing at Utah Lake. We saw people doing it last week on our outing and it looked fun, so we thought we would try. On the way, I stopped by Al’s Sporting Goods store to buy some neon green grubbies to use. When we got to the lake, I dropped in my line and caught this beautiful white bass within about 5 to 10 seconds.

I brought pictures of fish to help me identify them, and I thought this was a white bass when I caught it (which is good to keep and eat), but I figured if it was going to be that easy to catch fish, I could throw this one back, identify it afterwards with the pictures, and then keep later fish I caught after I was more confident in my identification capabilities. After looking at pictures, I confirmed that this definitely is a white bass.
We got skunked after that first catch and Lydia and Mary went on and on about how I should have kept that bass because they really wanted to eat it. I was still hearing about it hours later on the way to dinner, haha.
All in all it was a very good time. Clarissa was so sad that she didn’t catch a fish at one point, and wanted to try again when it was getting to be time to go. I need to do more research so we can have more success, but it was so fun to be in nature and on the ice! Here is a video and some pictures: