Lily announced yesterday that she wanted to spend time in the evening with the kids. I agreed as I just haven’t been giving them much attention. Yesterday, Ammon asked if I would play ninjas with him. Then today, when I picked him up from pre-school, he asked again if we could play ninjas. I told him I’d play ninjas with him on the way home while we walked, hoping that would satisfy him and free me from a future commitment. I felt a little funny kicking, punching, hiding behind things etc with Ammon as we both pretended to be ninjas on the way home, but it also made me feel like a kid for a moment, and I loved sharing that with Ammon. When we got home, he asked if we could play more ninjas. I told him I would after work.
After my work day, I was bone tired, but I really wanted to come through on playing we Ammon. We ended up playing for about a whole hour in the basement. We put on red biking “ninja” gloves. We used resistance bands as pretend arrows, a tennis ball and bean bags for grenades we we had an amazing time playing. First we trained. Then we fought a bunch of bad guys. I can barely kick without feeling my hamstrings because I’m so inflexible, but it was very very fun. Then we had a whole scenario with 8 crystals hid around the basement that bad guys had stolen from fairies. Ammon peddles on our stationary bike to take us around to each differing peddle location and at each location we fought a bad guy. Ammon and I took turns being the bad guy. Once we collected all the crystals, we delivered them to Lily, Lydia, Mary and Clarissa who were the fairies. It was so fun!

Lily played scrabble with Lydia and Mary for over an hour, and they had a wonderful time together.

Also, Clarissa asked me if I would build a tower with her, but I had already committed to play with Ammon, so tomorrow I’ll make good on her request. It is such a special time in life when our kids think we are cool and want to play with us! Here is a picture of Clarissa drinking her tea. She was a little sick today and didn’t go to Pre-school.

Clarissa drew this and showed it to me. I asked if she drew glasses, and she said, “no, headphones.” I have to say, those really look like headphones! Great job Clarissa!