I know I touched on walking Basil yesterday, but I just have to write more because of how funny it is.
The girls tried to walk Basil today, and the only way they got him around the block was to carry him to the half-way point (because he refused to budge the first half of the walk), and then let him down at the half way point, at which point he would hurry home.
It appears that Basil really loves our home. When I took him out for a walk, it took a fully ten to fifteen minutes just to get him three houses away from our house. He just sat and whined and kept trying to go back home. I diligently let the leash restrain him if he tried to go any direction, but forward and eventually he would always make progress, but sometimes it was after minutes of sitting, whining and trying to go in the other direction. After getting a few houses away, it seemed to click for him that the fastest way home was forward, so he literally ran the entire way around the block once he gave up trying to get me to go back.
The second time around the block went even better. It still took almost ten minutes to get him past our house and our neighbor’s house (the Leavitt’s home), but then he gave up resistance and started his running a full house earlier than on the first lap. Again, he ran around the whole block and was relieved to make it home. He is so funny and silly. It’s so cute how much he just whines and tries to resist any time we try to take him in a direction away from our home. I’m glad he feels happy and safe in our home. We love you Basil!
Also, Basil had a playdate yesterday with Ellie, the Kahler’s dog. I was working, but I’m sure everyone had a really fun time. Emily took some amazing photos and a video that she shared with us: