Today we drove home while listening to songs from John Denver. It was so fitting given his love of nature that permeates his music. Then we listened to incredible book from Bill Gates about climate change. I am blown away by Bill Gates’ optimism, knowledge, philanthropy, and daily focus on saving our world. He is truly an inspiration. Here is a video Lydia took of herself in the car.

At home we picked up Basil and bathed the kids. Then my dad and Suzanne came over. We had a wonderful time visiting and they gave gifts to Lydia for her birthday.
They gave Lydia a very cute bird stuffed-animal (Lydia loves stuffed animals!) and a bracelet making kit that seems to be crochet with little rubber bands. Weather was gorgeous and a great time was had by all.

Then I blogged, Lily rested and the kids watched tv, and then we all had dinner. Lydia worked on her bracelet kit, and at first got really frustrated because she struggled to figure it out even with Lily helping. Eventually, Lydia tried an easier pattern, and did figured it out, and gave the bracelet to Mary, who was very excited about it. Great perserverance Lydia, and thank you for the gifts dad and Suzanne!
We had sushi for dinner, I finished blogging and Lily watched the Meghan Markle interview that just came out today. Now it’s time to get ready for another week!