Today it was my turn to meet with our wonderful psychologist, Vhari. She asked if I wanted to do sand therapy today, and I said yes. Here’s what I created as well as a little excerpt about it from my personal journal (“You” refers to God”)

“The sand exercise with Vhari was pretty interesting. She asked what I would call it, and I said, “a happy life, a busy life”. Here is the image. I looked for something that could represent You, but I didn’t find anything, so I didn’t include you. I felt a little concerned about that. I was happy and surprised to see how much nature I included. These trips into Your beautiful scenery have meant more to my soul than I have realized. The ATM represented job pressures (this quarter is so stressful with my new team that is billing very little this quarter), and also represents money pressures etc. I included the toilet because I recently unclogged a toilet and it also represented other dad stuff I do like cleaning pencil marks off of walls etc. You’ll notice us as family all pointed in towards each other, closely. The bed represents mine and Lily’s intimacy. There are musical instruments. The car was included because we are in the process of selling a car (today I mixed up the charging cables when I was jumping the Carolla and blew out multiple fuses that now need to be fixed.)”
It is a very happy and a very busy life. Later in the day, I came upstairs to take a mental break from work. Clarissa also seemed very tired. I put her on my lap and we both fell asleep until we felt rested. It was a very sweet experience to sleep with her cuddled up with me.