Life has been very busy lately. Lily and I have been wanting to sell our old Corolla, but we have been so busy, that it has been hard to find a chance to do it. We were thrilled to learn that Georgia’s friend Diana wanted it for her son and we were happy to provide a great price for a friend. When Diana and her son came over, he turned the ignition, and the car wouldn’t start!! The battery was dead! It died months ago because a kid left a light on in the car, but I jump started it and drove it a ton to recharge it so I thought that would solve it. “No problem” I thought, “I’ll just jump start it. Maybe the kids left another light on or something, or maybe it just needs a new battery.” I grabbed my phone to read the tutorial on jump-starting cars so I could be super accurate about not messing anything up. I fold the step-by-step instructions.
There was only one problem. Even though the Corolla had a red cap over the red bolt, the cap was mostly off and very dirty, so I didn’t notice it. But the black bolt had a red felt ring at the bottom of it that made me think it was the red bolt. So I connected the clamps accordingly and sparks shot out. Then the car was really dead. We told them we’d figure it out and if they were still interested, they could come back when everything was working.
Thank goodness Moroni was on his way over to work on remodeling our basement. He helped us so much. He should us that my little mistake (which he said has happened to him too) blew out several fuses. So now I’ll go to autozone tomorrow to get fuzes and we will go from there.
How embarrasing! I’m also so grateful for Moroni. He said he’d do it all for free, but it turned out to be much more of a project than he bargained for. Lily and I are already brainstorming nice gifts for him to say thank-you.
In the evening, Lily took Mary to Basil’s dog training class. At home, I made bird’s nest cookies with the children and talked briefly about the rebirth significance of Easter, and eggs.
The look on everyone’s face is to express their dissatisfaction with needing to wait until tomorrow to eat the cookies before they were still drying.

Also, here are some pictures from scenes around the home today:

Lastly, here is a cute video from Clarissa earlier in the day. I chuckle because I memories or at least one memory of Mary reading a book upside-down, probably when she was Clarissa’s age.