Lily and I had a date planned for tonight at a restaurant with friend and my mom was available to babysit. We’ve had a bug going through our house, so we wanted to make sure it wasn’t covid, so we all got tested this morning before my mom came over.
The kids were terrified that they were going to have the nasal test, and were so relieved when they learned they could take the spit test. Ammon, misunderstanding, thought he had to drink the chemical solution in the vile instead of add his spit into it, but Lily helped him know what to do. I took the rapid nasal test so we could get at least one result back quickly. Lily would have done a nasal result too, but they had already keyed her in as a saliva test and they couldn’t change it.
After getting tested (my result was negative which made us think everyone else would be negative too), we got breakfast from Kneaders and Roxberry Smoothie and went up to a parking lot at Squaw Peak were I took Basil on a trail and ran with him while the family stayed in the car (people weren’t dressed for a hike because we all mostly rolled out of bed and went straight to the car for the shots).
Here are some fun videos of my hike with Basil:
Later in the day, I took the kids to a parking lot to ride on their bikes (and Clarissa and her scooter). I took Basil too and he found some dogs to play with. Lily stayed home as she has been sick lately :(.

Just before 5:00, my mom came over to babysit the kids and Lily and I went to Block restaurant with our friends Matt, Courtney, Jenn, Chris and Heidi. We had such a wonderful time with them (I almost died laughing hearing about Matt’s goat that would pee in its own face), and the kids and my mom had a really great time together. It was a magical evening all around!