Today was gorgeous weather. I feel bad for Lily who has been sick, and didn’t join us for the outings today, but I do think she had some needed downtime to herself with all she invests in the children day in and day out.
After church, I took the kids back to the trail at Squaw Peak that we were at yesterday. This time, we all hiked it. The one difference between today and yesterday was that the trail was sooooo muddy. Lydia thought it was hilarious when Basil plopped his belly down into a very muddy part of the trail. I was not amused at all, and was griping about how we’d have to clean him. Lydia pointed out that I’ve been very grumpy lately. I reflected on her feedback and realized she was right. Thank you Lydia for your honesty. I think having that feedback helped me to loosen up a little bit more and enjoy the rest of the hike more. Here are some pictures:

After the hike, we visited Georgia, and then went back to the same park we were at yesterday. We saw Blaze again (red lab owned by Reid and Shana), and we also invited and saw the Kahlers (and their dog) and Josh Jackson. The kids biked (and scootered for Clarissa) and played with their friends, the dogs played, and the grown-ups talked. Weather was gorgeous. It was a really really good time.