Earlier in the day, Lily took the kids to bed, bath and beyond.

Back at home, Basil enjoyed his new stuffed animal toy, and his amazing memory foam doggy bed.

In the evening, Lily and I got a babysitter (Eliza), so we could go out to play tennis. Unfortunately, when we got to the courts, there was ultra intense wind. We decided to just play anyway. The wind was so strong that if any of our shots went high in the air, the wind could really carry the ball. But we still had a blast. I just love spending time with Lily, and it felt like an adventure to play in near-tornado conditions (exaggerating some of course, but it was rather intense). Lily loves wind, I remember early in our marriage coming home to seeing papers and things strewn about the house, and pictures crooked because the windows were open during a windstorm. I could barely handle the chaos that was ensuing in the home, but when I found Lily, she was sitting on the bedding saying, “isn’t the wind invigorating!!” That little anecdote actually says a fair amount about our respective personalities, haha! But I must have come around some, because I loved playing with her in the wind.
When we got home, we found that Eliza helped all the kids make creative craft boxes. Lydia’s is still drying in the garage in the picture. The kids absolutely love it when Eliza babysits, and it’s not hard to see why!