Lily and I both had incredibly intense weeks last week. Thursday night, I was on the verge of collapse emotionally and mentally, and Lily is pushing really hard to help the kids in improve in music and a variety of other things. It’s crazy to see their progress in music, reading, math and more. We both started the day extremely tired. I also went to Basil at 3 in the morning because he’s been having diarrhea due to a food change. We were so wiped out that we didn’t leave the house until 2:00 at which point we took care of some things at yard of the rental property to help prepare to sell it.

Afterwards, we ordered pizza and got together with Joe, Camille and their two kids. We really love that family. We had a wonderful time talking to them and we especially found insight as Joe told us about his battle with ADHD and how medication has changed his life. Lily and I took mental notes because the things he struggled with were the exact sort of things Lydia struggles with. Lydia really doesn’t want to take medication, but I hope she will be open to the idea at some point of how much better her life could be, and how she could shine even brighter if she gets some help for something that is not her fault.