Lily and I are doing the 75 hard challenge. It is 75 days. In a nutshell it is doing the following for 75 straight days:
- Maintain a diet
- 2 daily workouts (45 min each, one is outside)
- Drink 4 liters of water
- 10 pages of non-fiction reading
- 5 min cold shower
- Daily progress photos
Lily added some other things like no swearing, while I was busy creating rules like I get 5 freebie days. Maybe I’m more intimidated by the challenge haha. But in all seriousness, Lily and I both agreed that we loved doing it together. We did a great job on our goals. We felt it focused us in a positive direction and it was fun to do it together.
In other news, Lily took Lydia to volleyball and felt so proud of her. Lydia has been practicing on her own and really trying to apply herself and get good at this new sport. Lily loved watching her for some of her practice!

Back at home, we had an amazing shiskabob, salad and couscous dinner (thank you Lily!) and Clarissa had dressed up like a flapper. She was so cute, and was very distraught when anyone tried to tamper with her outfit (like remove her shoes when they kept falling off or when it was time to take off her dress at bedtime.) She loved her dress up and I can’t blamer. Doesn’t she look cute!