The kids had a full slate of activities today. First, Lily took the kids to Dance class. Ammon did such a good job in his class and was brave even when one or more of the classmates commented about him being the only boy.

After work, Lydia had a volleyball game and the rest of the other kids played soccer. I was a referee for the game for Clarissa’s team along with the other team’s coach. Clarissa didn’t focus much (mostly stood next to me or sat in the grass), but she had some great kicks when she was focusing.

Clarissa’s game went very fast (we ended early because the three-year-olds were losing attention very very…very quickly) so I had time to watch the others. First I watched Ammon, and I was so so so impressed with how he played. He was a particularly good (and fast!) defender. He stopped many many drives from the other team. He also had some great offensive kicks and was a great goalie. Here is a video of him making a save:

Lily saw Lydia’s volleyball game (not me) and Lydia won her game.
I didn’t see much of Mary’s game because when I sat down to watch her, Clarissa announced she needed to use the bathroom which was a 15 minute round-trip. From what I saw, I was very happy to see Mary right in there playing with some kids twice her size.
I’m so happy all the kids are in such great activities. Thank you for coordinating Lily! Also, a thank-you to Lexi, our new nanny who helps us a couple hours each day Monday-Friday. There were a lot of crazy logistics with all the games today and she helped it all work out!
In other news, Lydia inherited the fanny pack Lily bought in Las Vegas which does not fit her wallet. Lydia loves it!