Wow, today was HOT, but it was packed with summer fun (I think it was high 90s or maybe even 100 degrees)
This morning I woke up early to go on a bike ride with Daniel Olson. We rode up to Tibble Fork, and I loved every second of it. The weather was perfect, the scenery was gorgeous and I loved spending time with Daniel. I’m also so grateful to Lily who always supports my bike-riding.
Back at home, I took the kids to their swimming lessons while Lily took Lydia to the pet store and the butterfly museum in Lehi and did yoga while Lydia read.
At the swimming lessons, Clarissa had a very hard time learning how to float:

Lydia took some awesome pictures of butterflies at the butterfly museum!

Then we went to Orem Summer Days with Eli and Chloe. It was hot, but we had such a good time.

We even bumped into Chelsae Camden and Carter!

After our fun and hot time, all the kids came to our place to play in the pool. Daniel Olson’s wife Amanda picked one up for us at Costco. Thank you!!