Today was around 100 degrees again. We went to church at 11:00, and then picked up food and met up in dad and Suzanne’s backyard for a picnic. We ordered and brought food from a great restaurant on 8th avenue in the avenues in Salt Lake (I think it’s called Avenues Proper) and it was delicious! While picking up the food someone made fun of me for wearing a mask (I was in the habit because I just came from church where everyone still wears masks) and I felt grateful that I didn’t care. I feel like a grew a bit during Covid on not caring what others think about me. I used to be very self-conscious wearing a mask when others weren’t. So that is hopefully some progress. At my parent’s place, we found a little shady nook and had such a good time chatting with them.

Then we all went on a hike up dry canyon. It was sooooo hot, and that is probably why everyone was a bit grumpy on the hike. The kids especially complained a lot, and Lily, being being a proactive problem solver decided she’s going to hike the “Y” with the older kids to help them toughen up and be better (more cheerful) hikers. Thank you Lily!

We all cooled off and had fun Kess’s pool afterwards (we rent it, thanks Lily for coordinating!). We also made serious progress! I coached Lydia on her freestyle stroke to keep her fingertips near the water, and not out like a windmill, and also Lily (unbelievably), got Clarissa to float for a very long time (I think 60 seconds?). After watching Clarissa cry at swim lessons, and after failing myself to help her learn, I was thrilled to see Lily make that kind of progress. Here are a lot of pics because I think the kids are so cute in goggles! Lydia may have been in the restroom while I was taking pictures.