This morning was another hike up Y mountain, and this time I joined because it was Saturday. It was so fun!

After hiking we all went to my cousin Christina’s house for an epic Darais pool party. I was in the pool most of the time and did not take any pictures. They had a 20 foot (roughly) high platform that people were jumping off of into the pool. Clarissa she decided she wanted to go off. She jumped, and spread out horizontally for a perfect belly flop. I was under her, watching the whole thing in what felt like slow motion. I thought, “oh no” as I saw her coming down and then SPLAT against the water. She came up and cried a lot. Yikes! She later wanted to go again with me holding her so I did, and we both went in feet first together without a problem. Then she used the little kid diving board, and after she went off, she shouted with excitement, “Dad was that not a belly flop?!” I said something to the effect of, “that was not a belly flop, good job Clarissa!” Her whole belly flop incident really made an impression on her and she talked about ti a lot during the day.
My dad left the pool party early so he could run our open house. It has been great to work with him, and so fun that one of my main partners in crime in selling the house is my own dad. We really have had a great team between Lily, my dad, Moroni (house updates), Crispin (yard), and the great stager my dad referred from his research and the great photographer the stager referred. Lily has been great with knowing the market, having great input on pricing, and having so much knowledge about what home updates are in style right now. My dad has been great to work with and made a great realty sign, handled the paperwork, met with me regularly, found us a stager, ran the open house, has managed all the showings and agent/buyer conversations, and has had input throughout the process. Moroni made the house updates and Crispin helped with the yard.
The open house went fantastically. We think about twenty families saw the house.