Today we went to church and then got lunch at Spitz. Then we picked up our dear friend Jean from the airport. We love when she visits and it was so fun to see her! We had some time to kill in Salt Lake before the Birthday party at the Miner’s place so we went to memory grove and let the kids and Basil play in the river. They were all so happy, especially Basil, who ran all around getting wet, and muddy and he also played a lot with other dogs.

My clothes got dirty from Basil getting in my lap when he was so dirty. Before the Miner party, we took Basil to a car wash. Lydia took these two cute videos, one of which is a slow motion video of Basil shaking off his water. Dang, it looks like Youtube doesn’t support slow-motion, but I included the video anyway.
The Miner party was super fun. Many birthdays were celebrated including Lily and Lydia’s. It was super fun to visit with people. I learned that Jeff Krysten built a car a while ago (which he later sold) and that he used to drag race a lot. It’s called the Bad Manners Fiat. Here is a video of it:
I also got this cute video of Ammon and Clarissa playing in the Miner’s basement.
Weather was gorgeous, and it was so fun to visit with everyone. I love Miner parties!
Here are two pictures of Clarissa in her shades and a unicorn headband she loves.

And here is a picture of Ammon coloring in his sharky.

Look at all those pictures he made!

Then we all drove home. What a happy day!