Month: September 2021
Happy Birthday Mary!
Today Mary turned 9. Mary wanted to have a pig themed birthday, and I think that wish came true! We celebrated Mary’s birthday at Color-Me-Mine. Lily ordered her a pig cake from the Sweet-Tooth-Fairy.

We had 14 friends come help Mary celebrate her birthday. Everyone picked out the statuette they wanted and started painting.

When people started to finish painting, we had yummy Jimmy John’s subs, carrots, jicama, figs, chips and drinks. Mary didn’t want to have pizza, and I think dinner turned out fantastic (thank you Lily!).

After dinner, Mary blew out her candles on her pig cake.

After cake, Mary opened presents from her friends. They gave her such wonderful gifts!
At home Mary opened presents that Lily picked out for her and she got more pig themed things like a pig pillow, and a pig-shaped glasses holder.
Mary, we adore you and we are so profoundly grateful you are our daughter. My favorite thing about you is your deep desire to be good. You are helpful, kind, loving, creative, artistic, sweet, smart, forgiving, thoughtful and hard-working. Even if you weren’t all those things, we would still love to the ends of the earth because you are ours, and always will be. But thank you thank you thank you for being such a wonderful child. You, Lydia, Ammon and Clarissa all make us so so so proud!
One more sweet thing to note about Mary is how much she loves Lydia. I started a practice within our family that starting on our kids 9th birthday, the pick one value per year that they want to proclaim as their own, so that they will have ten self-proclaimed values by the age of 18, when they are ready to go off into the real world. For example, Lydia chose determination on her 8th birthday and fun on her 9th birthday (incredible values Lydia!). Mary revealed today that her value is…..(drumroll)……Lydia! I thought that was so cute, and sweet, and also very deep. Mary is very connected to Lydia, and loves her immensely, loves her to the point of it being one of her core values. Those sisters truly have a bond.
In other news today, Basil got shaved, and now looks like a beagle, pointer, dalmatian mix. He was also incredibly hyper today and chased his tail more than I think I’ve ever seen him do. I love that dog!

Mary’s Birthday Celebration with the Marshall’s

Yesterday I was exhausted beyond belief recovering from the work week. Today, Lily felt sick (sore throat, very tired and generally feeling ill). Fortunately, I had some good energy today. I got up around 8AM and worked steadily on the house until about 1:30, when I picked up Basil and ran some errands.
About that time, Lily started being more active. Even though she still wasn’t feeling great (she has a hard time not being active), she got up to help Mary bake her birthday cake, and help clean the house.
The cake, as you can see above and below, was a complete masterpiece! It makes me so happy looking at it!

My dad and Suzanne were going to join us for dinner, but my dad is sick and it seems like it might be Covid, so they didn’t come. Dad, I hope you get feeling better!
We wanted to still make it feel festive for Mary by having a somewhat large gathering, so we sent out some texts and happily for us, the Marshall’s were available to come over!
We had the most wonderful time chatting with them. Derek’s mother passed away recently which was very sad, but he and the family seem to be doing well. Also, their dog passed away recently, but they bought a new puppy that looks just like their previous dog (Red Golden Retriever) and they brought her, Dakota, to play with Basil. See below!
For dinner we had Lou Malnati’s pizza (ordered and shipped to our house), salad, cake, and cookies that the Marshall’s brought over. It was delicious!

We had such a great time with the Marshall’s! Here is everyone singing to Mary!
When the Marhall’s left, Mary opened some presents that she got from Georgia over Facetime. They were two sketch-pads and a book about how to draw. Thank you Georgia!
After all the festivities, Mary and I took some pizza and cake to Cindy, our friend across the street. Lydia and Mary love talking to Cindy and they have become friends with her. We invited Cindy to the party, but she didn’t make it because she was working on a contract for selling her travel trailer. When we dropped off the food, she had a gift bag for Mary with water-balloons and a 3-D puzzle in it! Thank you Cindy!

It was sooooo fun celebrating our sweet Mary today. She is creative, helpful, sweet, responsible, smart, hard working and so adorable. Here is something I photographed while I was cleaning. She made it a few weeks ago:

I also want to mention Lydia did an amazing job getting her harp finished off for the week without anyone asking her, and for getting her homework done before looking at screens. She’s really on a roll!
Mary’s piano competition and The Secret Garden
While out and about, Abe and the kids had a lot of fun rapping together. See below:
After the bakery we went to the Hale Theater in Sandy to see the Secret Garden, where I neglected to take a single picture. It was an incredible play, though, and we all enjoyed every minute. Well, Clarissa was a little wiggly and tired, but the rest of us were riveted. Such a good show!
Fall Festival
In the morning after dropping the kids off at school I took Basil on an eight mile walk in Provo Canyon. It was a beautiful morning.
After the festival we dropped by my mom’s so Mary could play her her competition pieces in person. It was fun to see her, and Mary did a fantastic job. She has really prepared a lot and no matter how she does during the competition we are all so incredibly proud of her.
Mary’s birthday date with Dad
Fire truck excitement
window village
A couple weeks ago Mary made this village, and Clarissa might have helped. We took it down, but we had to get a picture first:
Here is Lydia having fun with the camera in car:
beautiful Monday
Last perfect day in Chicago
On Sunday the girls and I woke up and got breakfast at a cute little nearby cafe.
This was the best trip I have taken in my life. I adored every minute of my time in Chicago with my beautiful daughters. I kept pinching myself that this was our life. I loved watching them fall in love with the city, and I loved enjoying it alongside them. The weather was perfection, the city was gorgeous, the pizza was yummy, the walks by the lake and along the Gold Coast were so fun, the Shedd was marvelous, and the pygmie hippo made us all laugh. We had the best weekend. Thank you, Mary and Lydia, for being such fun travel buddies. You both are the very best. I love you!
This is now Abe briefly reporting on what I did with Ammon and Clarissa today.
We woke up at my mom’s and she fed us breakfast. Then we went to church. Then I tried to connect with my cousin Alex, but I wasn’t successful so I spent time with my dad and Suzanne and saw their new shed and some of the updates they are working on at their house.
Then we visited David and Olivia with my dad and Suzanne for Olivia’s birthday. It was so fun watching Basil and Willow play together!

Then we went to my aunt Andrea’s house for a delicious peaches and ice-cream desert. I have a soul-connect with Andrea, and always love talking to her. I also learned about my Greek lineage in preparation for our upcoming trip to Greece!