We have loved being with Basil again (see two pictures below), but this entry is about how my mom and Jay took care of him while we were gone.

When we decided to go travel for the whole month of October, we didn’t totally know what to do for Basil. Worst case, we could leave him at dog boarding, but a month is a crazy long time for that. We figured maybe some friends could help, but we hadn’t lined anything up, and we felt bad about asking because Basil is a handful.
Then came my mom, and without any prompting just offered to take Basil for a month. We were so relieved and so happy to know he would be in a great place. My mom and Jay love animals, and my mom has a great yard for him. Not only did my mom watch him during our trip, but she regularly texted us pictures of our Basil while we were on our trip, which made everyone so happy with each picture and video. It was like little shots of sunshine during our already amazing adventure. It was so thoughtful!
My mom confessed at the end of it all, that it was a bit tough at times, and she did it during one of her busiest times for her tax business. It was such a sweet sacrifice, and we are so so grateful for her help. Below are some of the pictures she sent us.