In the morning Abe and I slept in and then rushed to church in Salt Lake.
Sledding is great because of the outdoor element and the fun, but for me it is very stressful. We were by a fence at the beginning and I felt sure the kids would crash and get injured. I stationed myself by it to avert accidents but was actively averting Clarissa when Ammon broke a rule and sled before his turn. So he crashed into the fence and banged up his head. Very upsetting. But Abe had a great time, and when the kids weren’t crying or pouting (Clarissa threw an epic tantrum at the end) they were having the best time.
Our daybed has one of my grandmother’s quilts on it.For dinner Abe arranged veggies and bread for fondue.
After dinner Abe and the kids did karaoke while I went over to my mom’s and had a really nice, very long visit.