Lily snapped this shot when I proclaimed how great it is to work from home. This is, in fact, the outfit I started work in. I eventually cleaned up, hahah.

Honestly, it has been a tough couple of weeks for me at work. Two weeks ago, I seemed position to be hundreds of thousands of dollars over my annual quota. We got a series of bad news, and so my last two weeks I have been frantically trying to find a way to hit my annual number, especially because I’m up for promotion, and hitting my annual number is very important for my chances of being promoted.
In the end, I barely missed my number. But, I feel peace, because I feel as I grow older, I’m getting better perspective. I wrapped work up at 3, played with Ammon for an hour, played a little with Ammon, Clarissa and Lily, helped Lily clean the upstairs and then watched the 2005 version of Charlie and the chocolate factory (we watched the original yesterday) with Lily and the kids. Then we looked at blog entries from this year as a family for over an hour (maybe two?). Just being with my family, and reviewing with them all the wonderful things we did together this year was such a wonderful thing for me to do to remind me yet again of what really matters in my life, and what I really love.
Lily has been reading frantically because she realized a couple of days ago that the number of books she has read this year is no where near up to her standard. I think she’s on pace to read or finish around ten books in three days. Go Lily!
Also, Lily like to talk about the things that bring us irrational amounts of joy. For Lily, one of those things is bedding. I’m not sure why she took this photo (or if it was her that took it), but in any case, it’s a great excuse to proclaim Lily’s love for bedding 🙂

Next year I want to spend more time playing with my kids, I want to stay in shape, I want to be more present and supportive for Lily, I want to read more, brush up on my spanish, spend more time with God and with myself in contemplation and studying inspired writing. I want to keep practicing guitar, do well at work, enjoy every moment more, slow down, and most importantly, cultivate and nurture relationships with the people I’m blessed to be surrounded by. There are so many wonderful people in my life. I want to appreciate each day, and not take anything for granted.
My tag line for this year is, “there is no reason why you can’t enjoy every moment.”
Now time to bang the pans with the kids.
Happy New Year!