Today I ran Basil in the morning (Dogout workout) and then started an early work day with a 7:30 meeting. I mixed in reading a few Christmas cards into my work day, and this is one I really loved that my brother Jeremiah drew.

From what I know about Lily’s day, while I was working Lily took the girls to and from school, did grocery shopping, did a lot of exercise, helped Ammon practice his reading, and did Ammon’s piano practice with him.
After work, I came upstairs to find Lily making risotto. It is a long process and she still did it even though she was very tired. It turned out incredibly. I made a salad to compliment and we had the most delicious dinner. I often find risotto’s too rich, but this one was made with squash, and that helped it feel much more nourishing and wholesome. The kids did a good job eating tonight overall (motivated by chocolate if they finished), and we had a fun time talking as a family over dinner (and I had a fun time doing a happy dance when kids finished their meals). I also announced that kids out of their rooms after 10PM would have consequences (as we are trying to get back on schedule).

After dinner, we went up to the home/fort Ammon constructed and I read Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. We watched both movies last week and we have been really enjoying reading through the book together. Roald Dahl is such an entertaining writer! The main thing we are noticing in the book is that Willy Wonka is much more peppy, energized, playful and happy in the book than he appears in either of the movies.

I took these pictures when I tucked the girls in. Lily gave them each a small massage while I wrapped up reading and then I gave each of the girls a smash hug. They beg for it regularly, and it’s just as it sounds. I hug them in their beds with the intention of trying to completely crush them, even grabbing the mattress under them for maximum smashing. The love it.