Lily and I have both been exhausted because of how hard we have been pushing it.
I worked from home and Lily took Lydia and Mary to school and Ammon and Clarissa to ballet, and then dropped Ammon off at school. She then left Clarissa home with me while she went to give Basil a bath.

After Lily got Basil all clean and nice-looking, he kept wanting to go outside to dig and get dirty at home. We had to keep him on a leash for the rest of the day just to keep him from getting himself dirty.
After work, I watched the kids while Lily did some returns and errands, and took Lydia to and from dance. The big update from dance is one boy dragged another boy over to Lydia announcing he had a crush on her, and if I understood the story right Lydia stood there as if nothing was said, very cute. Lydia is also practicing cartwheels and the splits and she is getting quite good at both of them. I assume Lily took this picture while out and about.

At home I got so fed up with Basil trying to go outside over and over and over again that I finally crated him until Lily got home. After feeding the kids, I helped Mary with math a little bit and then Ammon did a solid hour of homework with me and Mary practiced the piano. Then I finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Clarissa, Lydia and Mary. I felt bad separating Ammon this time, but it’s too crazy trying to read with him and Clarissa in the same room, and I was trying to wind Clarissa down for bed by reading to her. We absolutely loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and concluded that Willy Wonka in the book is fun, child-like, and is constantly laughing, joking and enjoying life, while the ones in the movies are too serious and disturbed (I think I’ve mentioned this). It was so fun to read with the kids! After putting the kids down, I finished setting up my fish finder and watched Troy, Fall of a City and Seinfeld. I think Lily read or took a bath.