We got good sleep last night and were fully packed and out the door by 9AM. Then we grabbed snacks at a Wallgreens and went to Joshua Tree National Park. We drove past the Panda Express that we ate at over 6 years ago when Lily threw up, and then knew she was pregnant (with Ammon). We had in INCREDIBLE time at the park. It is hard to overstate how pleasant the weather was. Warm sun-rays penetrated through my skin and into my soul, yet it was about 65 degrees so I never felt hot. It was perfect weather.
We went to Jumbo Rocks campground and caught the skull rock trail which was a perfect one mile loop. One mile was perfect because we allowed each child a ten minute stop anywhere he or she wanted to allow people to play on the rocks. We played hide and seek, and also found a super fun climbing area that was so interesting with it’s twist, turns, caverns, and narrow areas. I got really excited at that fun “castle” climbing area.

Then we stamped our passports at the visitor’s center, got Del Taco and candy, and made haste to get home as soon as possible.
Almost the entire way home we listened to Circe by Madeline Miller. Her descriptions were unbelievable. It’s one of the few books I’ve experienced where I felt continually impressed by the artistry of the writing. The imagergy, and the descriptions painted such vivid imagery, and gave me such visceral reactions. It was truly a delight. I had it all the way up to 1.7 or 1.8 speed at one point to try to get the whole book finished before arriving home, but we still have an hour left. It was Lily’s 2nd time through the book, and Lydia and Mary loved it too. Usually I’m able to be the one to power us home on a late night drive, but around 10:30PM, I really pooped out. Lily, fortunately, was feeling great, and she drove for the next two hours. I took the last 45 minutes, and we pulled in around 1:35AM.
I cherished this trip and loved every second. It is so so fun to explore with my sweetheart and wonderful kiddos.