I had sales kick-off sessions today, so I was able to be flexible and do things in the back-ground (catch up blogging etc). Lily spent the entire morning taking Georgia to a doctor appointment, after which she spent a lot of time today reading articles about racism in the Book of Mormon, and writing her response to them to her friend. In short, most voices addressing racism in the Book of Mormon barely acknowledge the racism is there, or that it’s damaging, and these are often white voices. Lily wanted to share her experience and observations, corroborated by many other people of color, to make sure that what seems to be missing in the conversation gets said. She is a powerful writer and I enjoyed hearing her read her response to me.
Later in the day, Clarissa and Ammon colored in my office, and I helped Lydia learn how to do double-digit long-division. Also, Lily was instrumental later in the evening while I was wrapping up work. We both were to bed at a decent time and we slept like rocks!