This morning I woke up with grad designs for getting caught up on life and for the most part my plans came to fruition.
After I woke up, I spent 3 hours blogging. Clarissa was with me coloring at times. She is so cute!

After blogging, I did my 500 workout, but I’m still only at doing 6 rounds of everything instead of 10. Still, it was such an amazing feeling to workout. I then fed the kids. Then, after showering, eating and getting ready for the day, I worked on the budget for an hour or so.

While I worked on the budget, Lydia made cupcakes. The frosting didn’t turn out exactly how she wanted because we don’t have powdered sugar, but the cake part was perfect, and they looked so pretty!

By then, it was 4:00 or so and I started cleaning the basement, folding clothes and vacuuming. After that I worked on cleaning and organizing the main floor and upstairs for 20 minutes. The kids were awesome and all helped get the house tidy during that period of time. Then we all had dinner and continued enjoying the cupcakes Lydia made earlier in the day.

I had the kids all down at a great time and then I watched a couple hours of TV before doing the dishes and closing up the house.
Lily is having a great time in the DC/Baltimore area. Here are some pictures and captions she sent to me:

Lily was so excited to get to see Louie, Ginny and family!