Lily and I both had crazy days, but Lily for sure had the craziest. Lily volunteered to help teach art for Lydia and Mary, but we both forgot that would make her late for picking up Ammon and Clarissa. So she picked them up late, went home, couldn’t find Lydia’s snow pants (I had put them in the wash), allowed kids to go to the bathroom and stuff food in their mouth and then rushed to the ski shop to get helmets and goggles, and arrived 25 minutes late to ski lessons for Lydia and Mary, and dealt with multiple children either protesting about something, complaining about something or saying they have to pee so urgently that everything needed to stop for him (Ammon). Lily’s cortisol was super high when she called and I felt bad for her stress.

I had the easy part of finishing my workday, getting my glasses adjusted (and buying more fish oil for my dry-eye condition), renting skis, and heading up the mountain to ski with my kids after their lesson.
It was honestly a complete highlight of my year so far. I can’t believe how the girls are progressing. They don’t need edgie wedgies anymore, they are fine getting on and off the ski lift (we still ask them to slow it down when we get on), and they weren’t even cold or tired at all! After an hour and a half of lessons, we skied another hour and a half, and they just wanted to keep going. I was the one who got cold (especially my hands) and asked if we could call it a night. But all of it loved it so much. I can’t express what a magical time it was for me.

At home, I gave Lily a massage given the super stressful morning she had and the fact that she watched the little ones while I got to ski. We watched Chef’s table, and just had an awesome time being together.