Lily and I were both unbelievably tired today. I was grateful when Nick called and wanted to go get food together because I knew I would enjoy getting out of the house and seeing him. He’s still going through a really rough time and I think the outing did us both good.

While I was on my outing, Lily was chatting with our neighbor, Charity, and helping Lydia get ready for her dance performance (Lydia wore an Olaf costume), and she drove her to the performance. Lily and I are both overwhelmed by how many performances Lydia has. We had no idea of how big of a commitment it was when we signed up. She had 7 or 8 performances this week and would needed to miss school to attend all of them. We only got her to one performance and we think her teacher isn’t too happy about that.

When I got home, I worked for about an hour on figuring out a place from which to purchase the trees we want planted this year. The lady at Cook’s was so nice and also recommended a landscaper who could plant for less money than what they charge. I wanted to go through Highland Gardens since they originally were the ones that had someone come out and recommend trees (hence the map), but they don’t open until March 1 and I wanted to get the ball rolling and they are farther away. I was so impressed with Cook’s that we are going to go through them.
Then I picked up Lydia for her dance performance and came home. Later, I dropped Lydia off at a Valentines party with her friends. Then I bought Valentines with the kids for their classmates. Mary was unsatisfied with the Cheerio valentines I got everyone else, and she got candies that she could put in red saran wrap individually for each kid in her class. Below is her working on her valentines. While I ran those errands Lily swam for an hour. We were both so tired all day, and had to push ourselves to do any type of activity. We took it slow, but still did some things.

In the evening, I tidied the house for a couple of hours while Lily picked up Lydia from her party and did some grocery shopping. We all had delicious lasagna for dinner and Lydia beamed about how fun her party was.
At night, Clarissa was using her heater/AC remote like it was a phone and she had a lot of fun pretending to talk to someone. I took a video: