I was exhausted today mostly from how hard I’ve been pushing at work and life in general. Ammon was still sick today with super strange symptoms. Yesterday his head hurt so bad he was wailing. He said his brain hurt, his eyes hurt, his neck hurt and his stomach hurt. Also, one of his eyes was having trouble aligning. Yesterday, we took him to the doctor who thought it was a virus. Today the symptoms were better than yesterday, but they were still persisting. We felt very concerned because the symptoms seemed so atypical to us of what a normal sickness would be. We consulted Swathi and took him in to our doctor’s office again. At the end of all of it, we felt reassured that it likely is a virus. The doctor we say said this is the worst year he has ever seen in his life for viruses in Utah, and that something is going around right now causing headaches and vomiting. We’ll keep an eye on symptoms, but if they get worse instead of better, we are definitely taking Ammon to the ER. The doctor also put our minds at ease about the possibilities of tumor or meningitis which was really helpful.
Lily was a superstar and was by Ammon’s side for hours upon hours today, doting on him, giving him attention and taking care of him. Here are some cute pictures of our little Ammon!

Lily is also learning tons about Russia and the Ukraine and it is so great learning new things from her.
After taking Ammon to the doctor, I dropped the girls off at dance, picked up Nick, helped him fax some documents to Utah Legal Services for his SSA cases, picked up the girls, took Nick to Walmart, got burger king (impossible whoppers are amazing!), got donuts, dropped Nick off and went home. I was chuckling to Lily as I told her how charmed Clarissa’s life is. Clarissa went to ballroom, chatted it up with Nick, at a burger, had a donut and then within minutes her eyes were heavy and she passed out to sleep.

Also, today was my grandma Darais’ birthday. I loved her and continue to love her so much and was so touched watching this video my aunt Andrea sent out that my cousin Adam made a while ago.