Lydia was born in 2011 and now she is 11 years old. A couple nights ago, I asked Lydia what value she wanted to affirm on her 11th birthday. Declaring a value every year starting at age 9 has become a tradition in our family. When I asked her the question, she asked me something to the affect of, “how would you describe studying, and researching and working hard to understand and learn things?” She decided that “education” was the best word to capture the concept, so now Lydia’s running list of values are determination, fun and education.
I think those three words describe Lydia perfectly. In this past year, Lydia became determined to get good at back-bending and doing the splits and now seeing her do either of those things is a regular occurrence in our home. When Lydia sets her mind to something, she absolutely follows through. She also has repeatedly made the decision to stick with learning harp and she has made major strides in doing good practices on her own initiative.
Lydia is also incredibly fun. She is always up for an outing, an adventure, karaokee or family games. She loves to organize fun for the family like our annual family Olympics. When I got all excited about taking the family on a backpacking trip, it was Lydia who was equally excited and even helped make a list of things to buy at the store to help get us ready. Lydia finds so many ways to enjoy the world around her. She sings, does ballroom dance, plays the harp, has many friends, skis, loves listening to comedy, and has a great sense of humor.
Lydia also is a great thinker and loves education. She plugs into conversations at home about current events, politics and history. She is a voracious reader, and loves listening to meaty audio books that Lily picks out on our road trips. Lydia has a massive appetite for learning about Greek Mythology, and she has a genuinely curious and active mind. She is obsessed with reading like her mom, and because of that she is always filling her mind with adventures and knowledge from books. She also continues to do well in school.
We could not be happier with Lydia and the values that she is starting to feel are her identity. It is so fun to watch her grow up and I couldn’t be more grateful to be her dad. I have so much fun with her. Skiing with her and listening to Bill Cosby’s stand-up comedy on the ride home was such a memorably good time.
As for the events of the day, Lily and I woke up early to make Lydia a special birthday breakfast. Lily made incredible lemon ricotta pancakes and then went to work on the syllabus that she is in charge of for her internship in preparation for a meeting she had today. I finished breakfast preparations by making a fruit-salad, cooking hash-browns and the pancakes, and making a fruit sauce. It was all delicious. Lydia also opened presents from her siblings and the book Lily bought for her.

After school, Lily took Lydia to Nordstrom to buy shoes and earrings. Then they went to the mall to get Cinnabuns. Meanwhile, at home I finished work early and played Sequence and Spot-it with Ammon and Clarissa until our Thai food arrived. When Lily, Lydia and Mary got home, we all ate dinner and Cinnabuns together. Then I took the kids to dance, picked them up, got Cold Stone cupcakes with them and came home.
We sang to Lydia and then ate our Coldstone cupcakes and then Lydia had calls with Emerson, Clark, Swathi, Soren and Meera, and then my dad and Suzanne. After that Lily got her wish to stay up and watch “Cheer” with me and Lily. Lydia’s true celebration will be a trip to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary with my dad and Suzanne, and Amy, Emerson and Isabel, but I think and hope Lydia also felt very happy, loved and celebrated today. We love you Lydia!!