We started the day with a simple, but yummy breakfast at the Best Friends Roadhouse.

This is the gentleman who works at Best Friends. He is very nice and we remembered him from the last time we visited.

After breakfast, Lydia, Mary, Emerson, Isabel, Suzanne and I all volunteered at one of the cat houses at the animal sanctuary. People loved the cats.

While we were cleaning, Amy worked on the book she is writing about the Doctrine and Covenants, and Lily took Basil for a walk while my dad kept an eye on the kids. Then Lily and my dad visited the pet cemetery. We all met up at 11:30 and had lunch at the Best Friends cafeteria. We loved it! Not only did we get to eat outside in the fresh air, but the food was all vegan and it was so healthy and delicious.

Then we all went to the pet cemetery. Basil barked at this statue as though it we a real dog.

Clarissa fell in love with the wind-chimes and turned the below gazebo into her music shop, where you can pay her money and she will play songs for you on the wind-chimes. Meanwhile, Emerson started crying because she felt the loss of all the animals in the cemetery so deeply. We joked that while Emerson’s tender heart was break, Clarissa was turning a profit on the wind-chimes for the deceased animals.

After our stop at the cemetery, we all went to Pink Choral Sand-dunes State Park. Lily and I both agreed that it was our favorite time ever going. There was no wind, we had the right equipment, it was beautiful weather (almost 60 degrees and sunny) and we thoroughly enjoyed all the people we shared the experience with.

After the amazing time at the Dunes we ate all together at the Peak-a-boo cafe, which is our favorite place to eat in Kanab. It is only a block away from the Best Friends Road House where we were all staying. We loved it!
After dinner, we took Basil to the dog park, where I think the kids had even more fun than Basil did. There were big murals the kids posed in front of, and they played and played until it was time to go.

Back at home, everyone got clean, and I was amused by how much Ammon and Clarissa love TV.

While I was hanging out with Ammon and Clarissa, Lydia was having a party with my dad, Suzanne, Amy, Emerson, and Isabel. They all had gifts for Lydia to open which was beyond sweet.

I loved today so much and I really think Lydia and all the party did too. I think it is a day all of us would repeat in a heart-beat.