Lily hurt her back in yoga on Monday and I’ve had an insane week at work from a combination of end-of quarter stress and also one of my employees being out for a family emergency and me needing to put out a couple of fires for him. Thus, given the situation, it was incredibly helpful that Lydia and Mary prepared the house for St. Patrick’s day last night. I was soooo tired this morning that I lay in bed for what seemed like 40 minutes while Clarissa and Ammon ran around the house (including our bedroom) talking all about what things the Leprechauns did to our house. I finally got out of bed and videoed her and Ammon still reacting to the scene.
I had a meeting cancel today and slipped away to swim with Lily and Clarissa. It was tremendous fun. Clarissa is getting so good at swimming with her head underwater. She is a total fish, and a very energetic one at that. For forty minutes straight she was swimming, splashing, having me throw her and floating. And her cuteness is too much to handle when she wears goggles!

Here is Mary shopping with Lily. I assume she’s getting ingredients for her lunches. She’s been making her own school lunches recently, I think mostly because school lunches are not as good for her now that she is a vegetarian. She also asked me for a container for her sandwich instead of a sandwich bag the other day because it is better for the earth. I’m so proud of her.