Yesterday my uncle Norman passed away. Here are some words I wrote to my dad after his passing:
“He is a great man, and I’m so impressed by the combination of his heart, intellect, humor and education. My favorite memory from him is how he always advised me to take food items in odd numbers at a buffet. It’s maybe my earliest memory of him, along with his smile. I will definitely miss uncle Norm and I’m so glad I got to see him recently at the recent party Danny and Jenette hosted.”
I will definitely miss Norm and I’m so grateful some of his formal faculty (when he was Chief Editor of BYU magazine) put together a book of Normisms that is such an amazing repository of witty or wise things he said, quotes he liked, or other memories of him.
In the morning, Lily took Lydia, Mary and Ammon to Carnival of the Animals symphony/ballet production at Abbravanel Hall. They were delighted to bump into Amy and her kids there, and they all caught an organ show together afterwards.

Meanwhile, I was on a super-fun lunch date with Clarissa.

I also said hi to my dad and Suzanne after lunch at their house and then I picked up Lily and the kids and headed home to drop off Basil to stay a couple of nights at his boarding place (since we are doing a lot in Salt Lake tomorrow).
At home, I was busy cleaning, and just being around which was really nice. I also had a staring contest with Lydia.

Lily has been reading a ton, which she loves, and still nursing her pulled muscle in her back.
Also, Clarissa has still been very talkative at night (and generally). Lydia has choreographed an entire dance routine covering multiple songs from the Aladdin soundtracks (see tomorrow’s post), and here you can hear Clarissa singing “Speechless” from Aladdin in her bed (a solid 20 minutes or more after I put her down if I remember her correctly).