It’s now Monday, and this morning I thanked God for an awesome weekend. The weather was absolutely exquisite. With the warm weather after a long winter, a part of me felt like it was waking up after a long hibernation. I felt alive and happy this weekend.
In the morning I blogged and worked on the budget. Then I washed and vacuumed the Subaru and talked to my aunt Andrea. Lily was listening to an audio book for a lot of the morning. She also took Basil for a very long walk and let him play with some doggy friends they found along the way. Lily said she chatted with a very charming doodle enthusiast, who was also direct and said that our dog was a bit unique, especially with how short his legs are, lol.

Clarissa and Ammon played all morning together or by themselves. I bought them some sticker books last week and they have absolutely loved them. Here is Clarissa happily stickering:

Then we all cleaned the house. Ammon had asked me to play Ninjas so at the end of the family cleaning session, we did one final chore, “ninja style”. All four kids and I had to empty all of the trashes in the house into a large plastic garbage back and take it to the green trash bin and put the bin on the curb all without Lily or any neighborhood people seeing us. Ammon especially was into sneaking around going from place to place to accomplish the mission. We pretended the trashes were crystals to power our space station and once they were on the curb, our friends could pick them up for the space station, but if anyone saw us, our cover would be blown. Everyone was really into it (even Lydia to some-extent, who joined late). I loved playing with everyone. Lily played along perfectly. She pretended to be busy on her laptop and not see anyone, which delighted the kids (even though she obviously could clearly see people at multiple junctures).
After that, I took Ammon and Clarissa to home church at Whitney’s house. Lydia and Mary got a pass since they attended the funeral yesterday. I spent most of the time helping watch Ammon and Clarissa, but I also got to chat with various people which I loved doing just because I love that community so much. Ammon also got hit in the face with a softball and his nose bled and he cried, but he was fine after ten minutes.

After church I got Subway and then I took everyone biking. I practiced learning to bike with Clarissa and chatted with Emily and Matt Kahler, and even Adam and Lydia Barlow and their kids who showed up at the end. Lydia, Mary and Ammon loved biking all around. The Kahler’s brought a ramp and wrestled with whether or not to let Ammon try. It was a stressful decision, and Lily said she trusted me to make the right call. I eventually let him try (thank goodness for the Kahler’s idea to move the ramp by the grass because I was about to let him try on the asphalt), and he took a tumble and hit himself in the private parts. He was back to biking within a minute, but told him no more ramp after that.
Below Ammon is expressing his inner ninja. He intentionally dressed like a ninja for our ninja game earlier and then wanted to keep wearing the outfit even after the game was over.

Neil Giles came over in the evening to give Lydia some birthday brownies, and Ammon was so excited to tell Neal about his adventures like the bike jump and also running and jumping off the bike ramp etc. Neil was so sweet to let Ammon effuse.
It was a really really fun day.