Today we left by around 7:00 from Jere’s place in San Francisco. It was so nice of him to host us, and we so enjoyed staying with him! He’s still working for Dexterity doing exciting things with robots.
We were driving all the way to Tacoma which is a 12.5 hour drive. Lily was an absolute warrior. She drank two coffees and then drove for 10.5 hours!! She was on such a role and just didn’t want to stop. She didn’t even want to stop for lunch (which we didn’t), but I went with it because of the incredible time and effort she was making to get us to Portland. Lily said it really helped that we had an awesome book to listen to which was Where Did You Go Bernadette. It was an outstanding book, and very gripping. We finished the book before the night was over.
We did stop for food in Portland. We went to a Lebanese place which was disappointing (Nicholas), but we had great ice-cream afterwards and a trip to Powell’s books. I read to Ammon and Clarissa (and played an eye-spy Dark Crystal book with them) while Lily and the girls browsed for and bought books. Lily especially is in love with that store and cherished her time there. She loves how curated the book suggestions are and also felt happy that every shelf of staff picks had at least one book on it she had already read. She’s such a reader!

After Powell’s I took the wheel and drove to Tacoma where we put our kids to bed and hung out with Clark and Swathi until it was past midnight. It was so fun talking to them!