In the morning I drove to Seattle to spend time with my Friend, Lesi, his wife Zoe, his two kids Ethan and Chloe and his mother. Amazingly, traffic was perfect. Lesi cooked me a great breakfast sandwich and we talked about work, life, family, kids etc. Lesi is still working hard and with abnormal hours due to working with a Chinese company (that’s in a different time zone). Chloe taught me all about mallard duck from a school project she created (including a 3-dimensional duck she crafted). Ethan was equally adorable. It was also really nice to chat with Zoe and Lesi’s mom.

After a super pleasant visit, I went back to Clark and Swathi’s where I found Sruthi, Swathi’s sister and her new (to us) dog Cocoa. Cocoa is a pit bull mixed with something big (great dane?) and is a gorgeous dog that everybody loved. It was great to spend time with Sruthi (she is one of the few people I know who reads more than Lily)
A little after I arrived home, I took the kids to the park with Sruthi. It was cold and soon at least one kid had to pee, so we went back home (just across the street) and had a playdough party! The kids made different food items and then I sold them the item from a store while I talked in a funny voice and cracked jokes. It was a really good time.

After the playdough party, I put the kids on a TV show.

Then I joined Lily who was visiting with our good friend Julie Grant. Wes, her husband, recently quit Amazon to fulfill his dream of building homes and now they are under contract to sell their home (which they put a lot of work into). Julie is full of positive energy and very fun to talk to.
After our visit, I played, “the floor is lava” with the kids and then we put them all to bed and Lily and I packed for the road trip the next day.
What a good trip we have had!