Today I woke up early, took the luggage rack of the Highlander, unpacked my suitcase, then repacked my suitcase and then headed to the airport for my trip to Raleigh for our partner conference and QBR.
On the plane I almost finished reading “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” which was awesome and all about how to create trust on a team and focus people on results (getting buy in by fostering debate and getting people’s opinions before setting a course), and then not only holding people accountable, but fostering a culture where people hold each other accountable. It gave me so many ideas about leadership.
When my plane landed, I saw that Lily had sent a text message about an earthquake. It totally freaked her out and Basil went nuts and barked up a storm. Lily heard a loud noise and the house shook hard. Then it happened 2-3 more times but with decreased intensity. Lily was so scared and called the city, but they didn’t know what it was. Lily knew she wasn’t making it up because on our Ring-doorbell feed, other people reported feeling it too. I also found it reported later on this website. Lily was so rattled. Her anxiety was already very high and the earthquake sent her over the edge. She called me scared and rattled. Still, she pulled it together and had a very productive day, did music practice with the kids, and got the kids to bed at a good time. The weather was also crazy. It was cold and windy so Lily took a warm bath to warm up. It was just a hard day for her, and I felt sorry for her, but we did have a nice long chat before we both went to bed, which was really nice.
On my end, I got dinner at a Thai place with colleagues (Max Bastian, David Lee, Derek Tuimauga) and also worked back at the hotel. I went to bed early so I could wake up at 6 (4 Utah time).
Also, it appears this is something Lydia made in school that Lily took pictures of today and our fruit trees are blooming which makes me super excited.