This morning I woke up, got ready, and then had so much fun watching all the kids engage with the morning festivities. Here are some videos!

After enjoying the morning festivities with the family, I went auto-cross racing with my friend Chris Dean. I originally told him no, worried about being away from the family so much after just being out of town for work, but Lily really encouraged me, which was so sweet because she’s been so stressed.
I am so glad I went! First of all, it was just awesome to see Chris, but secondly, even though I know next to nothing about cars, I got to have a totally unique experience stepping a toe into car-enthusiast world, and the racing was so genuinely fun. I could have gone 100 times. It was very safe, and you never hit over 50 or 60 miles per hour because it’s a technical course where the focus is in turning technique. Chris was also super trusting and generous to let me race his Audi. He was also an awesome driving with 2.5 seconds better than my best time (which is a lot).

When I wasn’t racing or sitting as a passenger with Chris, I was helping place cones that were tipped over. I snuck a little footage while I was on the job to help me remember what the awesome experience was like.

At home, Lydia and Mary performed a dance for me that Lydia choreographed.
Also, while I was racing, Ammon lost a tooth. Here is a picture!

Lily made an incredible asparagus soup for dinner. She also had Georgia over for lunch. I think she made some type of special pancake for lunch, but I’m not sure.

After dinner, I played a fun ninja game with the kids on the trampoline in which I was training them and they had to punch and kick my magic wand that I moved around to make the task difficult. Then we finished that and I died and decorated eggs with them. Then we facetimed with Clark and Swathi and Lily and I cleaned and put the kids down.

Ammon is getting $6 tonight for losing his first tooth! Go Ammon! Also, after all the kids were down, Lily finished another book she’s been reading. She’s such a bookworm!