Today Lily was so sweet to support me going on a long bike ride around the Alpine loop with my good friend Daniel Olsen. I’m out of shape and had to stop to rest or walk 8 or so times, but I made it and loved every second of it. I also feel newly inspired to get my conditioning up! After my bike-ride, I grabbed a Whopper burder (Burger King), visited Georgia, went shopping and took our vacuum to the repair shop. Lily ran the ship at home.

Also, Clarissa’s preschool teacher shared a bunch of pictures and a video about Clarissa’s preschool year.

Also, Ammon has started to really love basketball. Today he made his first ever basket, and he loved it so much that he kept on going until he had made about 17. I played with him a little which was fun, and then I fixed his bike tire which had a hole in it.
Here is Ammon and Clarissa talking about about their favorite things. So cute!
Also, toward the end of the day, Lily was having a really hard time emotionally. We spent the evening together talking and being together. About a week ago, I felt some depression, though not as severely as Lily was feeling it. Whether it is me that is feeling down, or Lily, it is surely such a gift to be in a companionship and to have someone to go through things with. Lily was doing much better by the end of the night.